Saturday, March 31, 2012

Reflections on Love

There is something beautiful about being loved for just what you are.  Maybe you have mood swings, you're irritable sometimes, you're not pretty some mornings, you have stubble on your legs because you hate shaving and don't do it often, you have bad hair days, you can be intentionally hurtful, you're often messy, you grow hair in places where you shouldn't (I won't tell anyone), and your breath isn't the freshest first thing in the morning.   (No?  Just me?  OK)
But when you find someone who makes you feel just as beautiful and precious at these times as when you are glowing, made up, perfumed, in a great mood, smiling, laughing, and agreeable, that is worth holding on to.  When you never feel the need to cower and hide because the person you are with loves ALL of you and you have to sit and wonder at times where he finds the patience.  When you find a person who forgives you when you are unkind and if he does not hesitate to come right back into your open arms when you're sorry then you have found "it" and hold  on tight.  Don't ever be afraid to say you're sorry or to go way out of your way with ridiculous romantic gestures just to show that person that you appreciate it all.  The ride is bumpy but so worth it!
And if you haven't found "it", hold out for that someone... you'll be glad you did.

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