Monday, October 31, 2011

Natural Hair Feature: Sonya

Why did you go natural and what was the process like for you?
I decided to go natural because I was inspired by my older sisters’ decision to go natural. I started visiting natural hair blogs until I found myself anxious to discover my own natural hair type.

What do you love most about being natural?

I love the fact that it’s just being real with yourself. It’s saying “I am aware and proud of who I am and where I come from, and I’m not ashamed of it.”

What is your regimen and how do you often style your hair?

My regimen thus far is washing every two weeks now. I use a highly diluted vinegar mix to wash and I use Suave Naturals conditioner.  I use Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie for moisture.  I love that stuff! I use Olive Oil to seal. I deep condition every other week with a homemade banana deep treatment.  It consists of real bananas, conditioner, and olive oil.

What advice do you have for other naturals or those considering going natural?

Just embrace what God has given you. Remember that it’s just hair so don’t go crazy and over the top with your regimen and trying to do the most with it. That will probably do more bad than good. Your natural hair journey will be a lot more enjoyable if you take that advice.  

What does being "natural" mean to you?
Being natural is wearing your hair unaltered without chemical straightening.

Where can we find you on the internet?

I have a blog… You can find me at  

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