Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How I Became a Minimalist

I've been natural for a year and a half now and have been obsessed with natural hair blogs and Youtube channels for about as long if not longer.  I have finally reached a point of over-saturation!  My obsession has built and built and built until it hit the ceiling and what a wake up call!  I now see the value in simplicity.  There are certain blogs I would visit compulsively, we're talking several times a day, hours spent reading and looking at other people's hair wondering why my hair isn't growing as fast or isn't as beautiful and feeling discouraged.  Then the next minute reading something that made me feel inspired.  I was on an emotional rollercoaster of sorts when it came to my hair.  I would take mental notes and collect ideas of what products and techniques I might need to try.  Recently I was reading about Argan oil and all its benefits.  And I contemplated getting some Argan oil but then I realized, I had read the same thing about coconut oil, and castor oil and olive oil  and jojoba oil, all of which I have in my now cluttered bathroom cabinet and truth is none of them have worked any miracles for me.  They have done their job: sealed in moisture, added shine, etc.  But no miracles and I doubt Argan oil or any other product for that matter will work any miracles.  I just became really frustrated.  I started to think maybe I'm "doing the most" as they say. 
Then I read hair feature after hair feature about how being natural has changed someone's perspective in life.   Every natural featured was some variation of all the others I read.  And I realize, being natural has not turned me into an overnight vegan.  I love my hair but my self-confidence isn't suddenly through the roof.  I'm still human and I'm still me.
Maybe these blogs are made to make me feel like someone's hair is growing faster than mine, or someone had some amazing life-changing turn-around since going natural that I haven't experienced.  I think it's all a big exaggeration.  At least that's what my sister suggested when I told her how frustrated I was getting.
If I were to do all the things recommended on these blogs that I frequent, I would spend all my time couped up in my house mixing conditioners and steaming, baggying, trimming, doing protein treatments and henna treatments and twisting, braiding ... and truth is, I don't think it would make a huge difference.  I work during the week so I can't spend all that time but I have spent entire weekends on my hair, barely seeing the light of day.  And then I think, how absurd!
Now, I have deliberately limited myself visiting blog sites only once per week (not just natural hair blogs but blogs in general) and taking everything I read with a grain of salt.  I browse over a post that interests me then move on.  Five minutes max!.  I had to limit myself because I was going overboard. 
As for my regimen, I have simplified it exponentially.  I'm sticking to the basics.  I've started my protective styling.  My hair is in twists all week.  I don't care if it's cute or if it's dowdy.  My hair is protected and I don't have to fuss with it.  If it grows it grows.  On the weekends, I let it out in a twist out, wild and free because I remember why I went natural in the first place.  I wanted healthy hair with no chemicals, yes.  But I loved the look of big beautiful hair out and free and I feel like I'm really denying myself that if I follow some of these blogs and keep my hair tucked away 24/7 for fear the wind might blow and suck some of the moisture from my delicate ends.  I love to be able to run my hands through it once in awhile and feel the breeze blow through it and look at it and other people like it too.  So on Sundays, I detangle, wash and condition. I have become a proud minimalist. 
So you might find it ironic I have a blog site of my own.  Of course I want you all to visit frequently. But don't take anything I write as Bible.  I'll still post all kinds of information of hair products and practices, but it's just information.  It's good I spent the first year (over)educating myself.  Because I know what's out there and what my options are.  It was a rite of passage of sorts but now I'm done with that.  Because of my obsession, I can confidently choose which (very) few hair practices I will follow and which (very) few products I will stick to and be very basic about my hair care.  Also, I discuss a lot of different things on this blog... my "journey" is not ALL about just hair.  I don't think my life should revolve around my hair and neither should yours.  So naturalistas, go out and live your fabulous life.  Let your hair free once in awhile if you want to.  Don't worry about how many inches your hair is growing each week or if one strand of your hair broke today while you were twisting it.  It's all OK.  Trust me.

Below is Curly Nikki's advice on the very basics of natural haircare and this is basically where I got my inspiration for minimalizing my hair care routine.  Please check it out.  It was very helpful to me.
Link: Click Here


  1. Every natural hair expert out there with a big, beautiful head of hair started out the same way you did--reading millions of posts, worrying about all the minor details; it's a right of passage. But with time, you gain experience, and with experience you are able to simplify your hair-care regimen to accomplish what you want--maximizing results while minimizing effort. Success is a combination of patience and experience. You're doing just fine. Just keep with your regimen and you'll eventually get to where you want to be.
