Saturday, December 22, 2012

Letter to my Dog

Dear Chloe:

I am very happy to have you in my life.  Taking you into my home was a gamble.  I was taking a chance at a lifetime commitment to an animal I wasn’t sure if I would love or feel burdened by.  Maybe a little bit of the two.  But I did it anyway.
I fell in love with you the first time I saw you.  Something about your innocence touched me.  It was a cold day in March and as I held you in my hand, you were timid and afraid but also happy to be held by me.  You were trembling and your tail was wagging at the same time.  And with that, my decision was made. 
It was rough for us the first few weeks, months even.  But you stuck with me, pup.  Since I have had you, you have been the one constant in my life and believe me, I needed that.  We moved around so much.! People came and went.  At my lowest point, I had you there always happy to hear the key turn in the door and see me walk through it.  No one has ever been so excited to see me to this day!
Well, pupster, here we are.  We’ve crossed a few milestones together.  And, faithful as always, you have never questioned any of my decisions, never judged me or left my side…just trusted me to love you and take care of you the way you love and take care of me in your own little puppy way.  And for that, I say thank you!
Your best friend,

Letter to my Dog

Get the book that inspired this letter for a dog-lover this Christmas if you're still doing your Christmas shopping.  It's a compilation of letters written by different celebrities.  Some are funny and some are touching, most of them are both.  I was reading it in Barnes and Noble and I kid you not it made me cry and laugh at the same time  which is quite embarrassing as you can imagine.
Anyway, it would make a great coffee table book and the letters are so heartwarming!  I'm thinking of buying it myself.

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