Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!!! (Oh yeah and the world didn't end!)

Another Birthday!  Yay!  I thought I would give you guys a rundown of what I did but honestly it wasn't anything mind-blowing except I got to spend time with some of the people I enjoy the most, people who took the time to come and celebrate with me and thinking about how much I appreciate that I thought I would write about what I am most grateful for over the past year.  That's probably a better place to focus my attention right now.

I am grateful for:

1)  Friends: I don't have a ton of people I really call friends.  (I don't use the term very loosely).  I think when it comes to friendships, it's definitely quality over quantity and I have to say the ones I have are the best I could ever hope for!

2)  Unconditional love: Knowing I can be handful, I am thankful for being loved anyway.  I am thankful for the fact that I am a work in progress and for being accepted as such because that is everything.

3)  A job:  I complain about my job.  But at the end of the day, I have the means to do so many things that bring me so much joy.  My career path is also a work in progress.  But as of now, I have financial security which means freedom, and a sense of purpose, two things that are invaluable in the grand scheme of things.

4)  Inspiring people:  I mean that in two different ways: People who inspire me and those who I have managed to inspire.  I meet many of those people on a regular basis.  When I get to inspire or help people it gives me warm and fuzzy feelings inside (corny, I know but true).  Whether it's this blog, or all the hard work I put into other aspects of my life, I love when people feel inspired by me.  And when I meet people going through hardships (and I do often) who are able to find hope and joy anyway, they help me to put my own life into perspective and for that I'm grateful.

5)  All kinds of other random stuff:  good food, music, good hair days, Dunkin Donuts pumpkin flavored iced coffee, good weather, playing with my dog, playing with my boyfriend, laughing at silly things on the internet... just laughing at silly things, talking to  my mom on the phone,  cupcakes, photographs, awesome memories, pedicures, pretty dresses, blogging.... and the list goes on

6)  Oh yeah... THE WORLD DIDN'T END... I'm thankful for that :)
A couple of the wonderful people who helped me celebrate my birthday

Is it just me or do these pictures look like something out of the '70's?... Maybe it's just me

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