Thursday, April 26, 2012

Meditation and Natural Hair

You're probably reading the above title thinking what does natural hair have to do with meditation?  If anything dealing with your natural probably stresses you out so much that you NEED to meditate after an extra long and frustrating detangling session.  Well what I'm telling you is that that extra long detangling session IS a lesson in meditation and what it stands for.
So I've been studying meditation for a couple of years now on and off.  I think I pretty much have the general concept down.  I've been at this natural hair thing for a couple of years as well and I'm only just now seeing the correlation.
Today for the first time I tried finger detangling my hair completely outside of the shower or "dry finger detangling".  I had to follow it up by wet detangling with a comb cause that's just what my hair needs but it cut my wet detangling time in half with less wasted water in the shower and less time with my skin wrinkling, water dripping in my eyes and me wanting to literally scream and rip my hair out!
Where were we?... ah yea, meditation.  Now you can see why I need to meditate.
So while I was sitting there dry detangling, I put on some music and decided to take my time.  Right there off the bat is the first concept of meditation, taking time, slowing down, being mindful which is just another way of saying paying full attention to the task at hand.  Usually in meditation that starts with breathing but it can be anything.  In this case, it's my hair.  I had to make a very conscious decision to not let my mind wander thinking about what's going on tomorrow or what already happened today.  It forced me to be fully in the present moment.  When I felt my mind wandering or myself getting impatient and starting to rip through my hair, I had to regroup and come back to my practice of being present and mindful.  And I realized, I was essentially meditating or at least practicing the principles of meditation and Eastern philosophy.
So I've decided to stick with this dry finger detangling thing for the sake of my hair and also for the benefits I mentioned above.  And in that way, an hour spent detangling my hair won't seem like a waste.  I accomplished doing my hair and a meditation session all in one.  Leave it to me to find a way to multi-task!

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