Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Healthy Hair, Healthy Body

I have been worrying that my hair is breaking and not retaining length.  So I have renewed my conviction to pay closer to attention to what I am putting into my hair (and my body) and to decrease the manipulation for my hair for the sake for better health and hair growth.  Of course, I'm not just focusing on my hair.  My skin, my nails, and my body (organs and all) could stand to benefit from the changes I'm hoping to implement and most importantly stick with.  Who's with me??

1)   Hydration:
I have to admit.  I have a problem with water.  I always have.  Even as a child, I could never drink just plain water and I have the same problem now.  Not sure exactly what it is.  Aside from that, I don't drink enough period.  What I drink is nowhere near the recommended eight glasses a day.
Water is important for normal functioning of bodily organs.  80% of our body is made up of water and it is important to maintain this water balance in our bodies by consuming it.  Also for hair and skin, moisture comes from the inside out.  If our insides are dehydrated, so are our outsides.
Here are some tips I've learned for people like me who are challenged in this arena:
  •  Flavoring:  Adding a small amount of Chrystal Light to your water can give it just the amount of flavor you may need to make it not feel like torture to drink it throughout the day.  It might even make it pleasurable.  Likewise you can add a small amount of cranberry juice, a sliced lemon or fruits like blackberries, raspberries, melon, grapefruit.  You can also add herbs like rosemary, peppermint, and lavendar.  Fruits or herbs are of course the better alternative but     you will want to let them steep overnight to allow the flavor to diffuse into the water.
  •   Carry your water with you:  Having a handy water bottle that you don't mind toting around with you helps.  For example, while you are at work, keep your water in eyeshot of where you are i.e. on your desk.  I tend to not notice when I'm thirsty especially when I'm busy.  By the time I feel the thirst, I am on the brink of dehydration and sometimes even then if I don't have a beverage at hand I'll ignore it.  If you see the water, it will make you want to drink just like the sound of running water makes you want to go to the bathroom.  It's just a reminder to tune in to your body.  It's also a good idea to sip even if you don't feel thirsty.  If you feel thirsty, you're probably already close to dehydrated and you want to avoid that by staying hydrated.
  • Drink water with meals: As children, we're told to eat and then drink.  That is because children tend to not eat as much as they should, tending to fill their stomachs instead with juice or soda.  As an adult, it's usually the opposite.  We overeat and don't drink enough.  So drink liberally as you eat.  You will feel full faster and eat less (for those of you paying attention to your weight as well) and you'll consume more water than if you eat first and then drink
2)  Fruits and vegetables:    This goes hand in hand with staying hydrated.  Fruits and veggies are made up of 80% water which is good for you for the reasons mentioned above.  But they also have phytochemicals and antioxidants as well as loads of vitamins that are good for your insides and outsides as well.  Keep fruits as snacks: apples and bananas are easy to carry around in your handbag.  Add veggies as a side to any meal: load up on veggies in your sandwich or put brocolli as a side dish to your dinner.  Have a grilled chicken salad for lunch or just munch on some baby carrots with ranch when you want a snack.

3)  Nuts about nuts
    Nuts are good for you.  Almonds especially, are listed as a "superfood" because they have many benefits.  1/4 cup of almonds has 45% of your vitamin E which we all know is an antioxidant and is necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails.  For your insides, it lowers your risk of heart disease  and also provides fiber and protein.

Now on to the stuff that relates more directly to what this blog is really about:  retaining length and having healthy natural hair.  We hear about protective styling all the time but is this really attainable for everyone?  I have yet to find the perfect hair regimen for me but I've decided that I need less manipulation and more protective styling.  Not just any protective style, one that will hold up through a full week at least, holds its style as in doesn't start to look a mess by the middle of the week and requires little to no manipulation.  I have yet to find such a style so I have been considering a wig.  I've never been a fan of fake hair... not for me anyway.  But I feel like if I found just the right wig, one that looks natural and fits my style, I could wear my hair in twists under it and never have to touch it for an entire week.  I'm still thinking about  it.  I will keep you all updated on what I decide to do and if I find that perfect wig, I will post pictures.  For now, I will stick with my deep conditioning, eating healthy, staying hydrated and gentle manipulation only when necessary and see if my hair starts to grow more and maintain its health. 
So long naturalistas!

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