Sunday, May 19, 2013

Is the grass greener on the other side?

Chloe in Star's bed
Star in Chloe's bed

I always thought it was human instinct to have what other people want instead of what you have.  it's such a prevalent nature in people that we even have a saying to describe it.  "The grass is/isn't greener on the other side".  You would think that being aware of this faulty tendency would give us the ability to override it, but that is still rarely true.  It takes more than awareness but the patient cultivating of that awareness and then still...
This is usually the underlying root of jealousy.  I catch myself sometimes looking at other people's  jobs, families, vacations, material things and feeling like my -fill in the blank- is inadequate.
Well before I turn this into some deep philosophical post, and I do love to go off on my soap box, we'll go back to making this a light airy post about the comical nature of not just people but all living, thinking beings.
I am pet-sitting for the weekend.  Which has reminded me in case I forgot by the way, that having more than one dog is not a good idea for me, but that's another story for another day.  Anyway, my sister's dog, Star came with her leash, her bed, her own food and so forth.  The first night I went downstairs to find my dog, Chloe sleeping in Star's bed all snuggled.  At some other point, I have caught Star snuggled in Chloe's bed.  I let that go, neither one made much of a fuss.  But I have found now the challenge of having to feed them separately.  If I feed Star, Chloe tries to eat Star's food and vice versa.  No big deal you say but Chloe has a sensitive stomach and gets sick if she eats any dog food other than her specific kind.  Anyway, my point is, it's not just human nature, it's just how the mind works I guess.  Whether it's just the novelty of wanting what you don't already have, or the boredom of keeping what you have, or whatever.  But I am making the conscious effort to appreciate what I have because I've come to see that very rarely is the grass greener on the other side.  It's green where you water it!  (I got that from a Justin Beiber song, btw... Yes, I listen to Justing Beiber!! Don't judge!)

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