Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bentonite Clay for Clarifiying and Moisturizing

My hair recently has been very very dry.  Dryness is something many naturals struggle with.  The reason is because we have so many curls and kinks along our hair shaft, it is difficult for oil secreted by our sebaceous glands in our skin to make its way down the shaft along all those curls and kinks.  For that reason, we must moisturize our hair regularly ourselves.  I'm usually good with this but the other day I made the mistake of shampooing the hell out of my hair.  I'd gone a little bit longer than usual without washing it (ask my boyfriend who made it a point to call my hair stinky) and I so I went a little overboard with trying to get rid of all the build up.  I basically used loads of my DuDu Osum shampoo and my hair came out squeaky clean.  A little too squeaky because over a week later I could not for the life of me restore moisture to my hair.  I needed a serious emergency intervention, i.e. bentonite clay.  I bought a jar of bentonite clay the day I did my Big Chop over two years ago at the recommendation of my sister and I still have it.  That should tell you how much I've used it.  About a year ago, I discovered how effective it was at moisturizing my hair from a blog I'd read.   I was amazed that something could clarify AND moisturize your hair at the same time.  You'd think I would have continued to use it again and again but as I simplified my regimen for the sake of time that was one of the things that went out the window since it can be a bit messy and time consuming by adding  an extra step.  Well I returned to it this time as the moisture was so depleted from my hair, I had to sacrifice some time.  I recommend this to anyone who struggles with moisture (i.e. everyone with tight curls or kinky  hair).  I repeat, bentonite clay is the ish!
I can go on about this for days but I'll leave it at that.  So here's is what I did.

My three ingredients

The clay mixture
Yeah I know it's all over my face... I told you it was messy.  But the good news is it's good for your skin too!

I detangled and co-washed with Hello Hydration and partially towel dried my hair by gently patting and soaking up some of the water.  I applied bentonite clay mixed to a mask-like consistency with apple cider vinegar (good for adding shine and clarifying hair) and olive oil.  I let it dry about 50% and rinsed it out.  It's important to make sure you rinse it thoroughly! 
The result: hair that is moisturized from the inside out.  It feels like your hair just soaked in all this moisture unlike with any other product many of which leave a greasy or silky feeling on the outside but you can tell your hair didnt' absorb any of it.  You have to see for yourself.  You know it has soaked in all this moisture because your curls suddenly become defined all on their own even after getting rid of the excess moisture.  Your hair won't feel weighed down as with heavy conditioners but light and clean.  It's pretty incredible.

This is my towel dried, squeaky clean and super moisturized hair right after rinsing (before any conditioning)

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