Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hooked on the Juice

I finally did it!  I gave in to the juicing craze.  I finally purchased a juicer...a  really really good one and I never thought it would be this easy.  Not only that, I thought juicing vegetables (and fruits but mostly veggies) with no sugar added would be disgusting.  I imagined I would want to vomit at the taste but I was wrong about that too.  I'd read about it on a few blogs but it was my intern at my job who finally sucked me in.  She does it daily and swears by it.  She brought me a some juice she made of all these vegetables I thought would taste disgusting and it was actually good.  And with all the health benefits... I couldn't think of a good reason NOT to do it.

I have battled anemia my whole life and have been on and off symptomatic.  That is low energy, mild dizziness and overall lethargy.  I say mild because when you've lived like this for almost your whole life, it becomes you baseline.  You don't even realize that you're not supposed to feel that way.  You have nothing to compare it to.  So anyway, I've literally only made two juices so far, so I can't say for now what miracles it has worked for me.  Truth is, I'm hoping my skin will clear up, my hair will be shiny and strong, I'll feel more energetic, etc.  But even if none of this happens I know good things are happening on the inside.  Fruits and vegetables help to stave off chronic conditions such as heart disease, many cancers, kidney dysfunction and so much more.

Downside:  well fruits and veggies can be costly depending on where you buy them.  I went to the local Farmer's Market and it's a bit cheaper than the supermarket or Whole Foods so it's not that bad but it is going to cost me extra money on a regular basis plus the one-time cost of a juicer.  But in my opinion, the cost is worth the benefits.

Another possible downside is I feel like my digestive system has been trying to adjust.  The changes (which I'll spare you details) may just be coincidental, but I feel like it is not used to what I'm introducing it to right now and it's like, "huh?".  That's an individual thing, however, because my boyfriend, who had been drinking the exact same stuff I have, has not had any digestive issues and I've been known to have a very sensitive digestive system.

Anyway, I will keep you guys posted but so far I'm still very excited about it!

PS: There are many websites where you can find tips for juicing such as different "recipes".  I'll post some on here very soon in a follow-up post and let you guys know if my digestive system adjusts and any differences I feel as far as energy level, my hair/skin, etc.

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