Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Hair (The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly)

 So I've been having a little bit of a struggle with my hair since taking the rope twists out a couple of weeks ago.  It just wouldn't cooperate with me and just wanted to look crazy and do it's own thing.  I got so flustered with it that I went out and bought a kit for a Keratin Treatment.  Please don't judge me.  It just goes to show that you're never really above having self esteem issues and more specifically hair- esteem issues.  I just felt that it was too much work, I wasn't meeting my goals and I just wasn't feeling very attractive.  I was having a moment.
Well after doing some research on the keratin treatment realizing it has formaldehyde or some derivative of that in it, I realized it was hopeless.  I wasn't feeling bad enough about my hair to go back to messing with harmful chemicals.  The reason I had thought about it in the first place, is that it's not permanent like a relaxer.  I knew even in the midst of my crisis that I didn't want to make a permanent decision.  Anyway, putting chemicals in my hair to alter it is a no-go for  me so I left it alone until I finally made peace with it again. 
I'm back to being in love with my hair.  Kinks, curls naps and all.  I just spent some time giving it some TLC with finger detangling and a co-wash and I decided it might help me to continue to feel good about my hair and see my progress if I document my hair journey more.  Here are photos of what it's been doing over the past week. 
Puff... the shrinkage is maddening
Twist out...again mad shrinkage but I was fine with it

Messy twist out, out and about in my car running errands

Later that evening out with friends and the bf

Same night, enjoying myself

The next day, hanging around at home... it just kept getting fluffier

Day 3 of the same twist out, decided to wear it out for work

Day 4 of the same twist out.  I had put it in a bun it in the morning so the curls were mostly gone but this was right before my pre-shampoo treatment

Anyway, I love my hair because as you can see there are so many different looks.  One day it looks one way, the next completely different.  Oh and despite my struggles with styling it, it's been oh so soft and fluffy.  It's been hard to keep my hands out of it.  Hopefully it stays that way for a while.

That's it.  Later Gators!


  1. What's crazy is that I think your hair is gorg, especially the way you had it this weekend!!! I can't wait for my hair to grow out like that! Keep it going Lisa don't give in. And about the Keratin, my mother has one in her hair, and it looks great! She has been natural for over 10 years, and really wanted it supa straight for my wedding. It's not for everyone. The more expensive ones, have less harmful products. My mom paid $150 for her's at the hair dresser. The really bad ones can give you an allergic reaction so I'm glad you did not put it in your lovely hair. Anytime your having a breakdown moment give me a call. I know I will!!

    1. Awww...everybody needs and deserves a friend like you, Jessica! You're awesome

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  3. I put the Keratin treatment in my hair twist and it screwed up my curls. I know it does get very frustrating tho. Your hair looks amazing. I've been transitioning for a year and a half and i've decided to cut all the end off this week. Wish me luck!
