Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thailand Part 3

Our plans for our second day in Phuket were to go to Patong, which is basically the town center where you will find most of the nightlife: bars, nightclubs, etc. and lots of markets for shopping.  We did some shopping in Patong.  I only bought a couple of things for the reasons I mentioned earlier, that I am a  very bad “spontaneous shopper” and terrible at bargaining.  But J was very helpful to all 3 of us in getting the “Thai price” for items as opposed to the foreigner price.  Although J is clearly not Thai, he speaks well enough to charm and pressure the seller into lowering their prices.
We stopped at a tour company and scheduled a few tours for the first few days of our stay in Phuket including elephant trekking and a cabaret show.   The cabaret show consists of “lady-boys” in all their glamour lip synching, dancing, performing, entertaining like no one else can.  But first we had to go back to the hotel for our mid afternoon nap (damn jetlag!)
After laying down for a 1 hour nap, I woke up 3 hours later, about 10 minutes before our car was supposed to pick us up to go the show.  Of course I was all foggy-headed and nowhere near ready for the show and neither was J.  It took me about 5 of the 10 minutes to wake him and orient him to what was going on.  We got dressed in a hurry and made it down the catch the car to the cabaret show.
The cabaret show was fun.  There was some comedy, some traditional dances representing different countries from China to Brazil and some modern pop numbers.  There was  Cher impersonator and a Christina Aguilera impersonator.  But the most interesting part was being in awe of these “lady boys” and how beautiful some of them were and very much like ladies.  After the show there were photo ops outside of the auditorium.
I of course, a sucker for any photo op to commemorate my time and experience  while traveling, had to take a photo with the “lady boys”.  There was a crowd after the theater emptied and the lady boys were waiting for the attendees to come take photos with them (and tip them of course).  Some were more popular than others and many of them seemed a little desperate, calling onlookers to come take photos with them.   I took out my 100 bahts and approached to take a photo with one of the lady boys.  Immediately two others joined in and I was more than thrilled to take a picture with all three of them but then things took a turn for the worse.  I handed the 100 baht to one of the lady boys and heard an immediate onslaught of protests, saw hands reaching out aggressively and I knew something was wrong.  I couldn’t understand why they were upset but I figured it had something to do with money.  I looked over to J for help since I couldn’t’ understand what they were saying and I called him to come over and help me and he shook his head in refusal. It was a pretty awkward situation and I was starting to feel embarassed.  J called me over and I heard the protests get louder to the point of aggression as I dared to walk away to approach him.  “They want to be paid individually” he said and handed me 200 bahts more.  I hurried over and handed it to the other two lady boys.  They instantly transformed into the ladies they pretend to be, bowing graciously and greeting me.  I bowed back and walked away hurriedly.  J grabbed my arm and just about dragged me away.  He proceeded to lecture me on how money-hungry the lady boys can be to the point aggression and how you can find yourself in a dangerous situation very quickly when money is involved.  I wondered why he hadn't told me all this before. 
I tried not to let the incident sour my mood as we went back to the hotel.  J later explained everything so it all made sense and we had a long conversation about it.  A combination of female hormones and testosterone would logically cause people to be quick-tempered.  J was just trying to protect me and himself.  I was still glad we had gone to the show and I had gotten the photos since it was a part of my experience I wanted to remember.  Sitting out on the balcony listening to the waves again calmed my mind and we later called it a night. 

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