So this would have to be at least a year ago that I decided to try a wig as a protective style and to change my look since I was getting bored or something. At this time my hair was still at that awkward length where I couldn't do a whole lot with it. Now, mind you, I am not a wig person or a weave person... AT ALL! I'm just weird like that. Anyway, I decided to open my mind and went to the hair supply store and tried on some wigs. I decided if I was gonna get a wig it wasn't going to be long straight flowing hair, it would be a cute quirky short hair style and I was gonna rock it. $50 later and this is what I came out with (see pic below). It's real human hair and I was hoping it wouldn't look too much like a wig. As soon as I got home, I had buyer's remorse. My aversion to wigs and weaves came back super strong. I hated it. I tried everything to make it look natural. I even washed it and brushed the shit out it which was a mistake because it meant I couldn't return it. Did I mention that my boyfriend hates it? Well, when he saw it, he said it "looks like a wig" but followed it up with saying he's just not used to seeing me with straight hair. But the look on his face said it all.

I teased it a little for a messier look because the perfectly straight smoothed look wasn't working for me but I still wasn't feeling it :( |
Anyway, I never wore it outside the house. I took a few pictures and I thought it was kinda cute in some kinda way. The cut is a little quirky, the asymmetrical bangs are a little weird and off but I guess that's what I wanted. Anyway, needless to say, it sitting in a drawer somewhere. Hey, I tried!
Looks very cute!!!