Sunday, August 11, 2013

A cure for the doldrums

I've been bored and frustrated with my hair.  I like to call it the summer blues because it seems in the summer my hair just don't be wantin to act right.  Don't really know how else to put it.  I started fantasizing about that pixie cut I've always wanted .... and bangs! Two hairstyle that would require me go crawling back to the creamy crack.  It was just a fantasy anyway and if I had even begun to consider it seriously, there is always my boyfriend to remind me why I went natural in the first place and all the reasons I'd regret it.  So I resorted instead to hair color...and I'm too chicken to seriously commit to even that! So I bought one of those cans you just spray on color that washes out.  I was actually giddy with excitement.  I did a couple of streaks and felt quite satisfied with myself.  I cured my boredom and feeling better.... for the moment.
See the results below. 

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