Saturday, August 31, 2013


I know it's been awhile since I have updated my blog.  But you will be happy to know it's because I have been busy checking things of my bucket list.  Yes literally.  I have 30 items on my list as of now and some have been checked off.  Most recently I was able to take my mom on an awesome vacation! That was a first and a bucket list item that I was very excited to check off. 
Currently I am learning to swim...another bucket list item.  I actually had my first day of swimming class today and I've already learned a lot and I'm feeling excited.
As far as my hair goes, I was nervous about chlorine damage and having to shampoo my hair more often than I'm used to because 1) it's time consuming as hell and 2)  shampoo dries out my hair and I avoid it when possible and opt to co-wash instead.  The damage and dryness were the biggest things. Thankfully I've discovered that with a good fitting swim cap I can almost completely avoid getting my hair saturated with chlorine water.  I was excited to discover this.  Only a little bit of my nape got slightly wet!
I went ahead and shampooed my hair anyway in twists. And that's how that went.  Done and done :-)
Anyway check out some pictures of me vacationing with mom and my hair after being washed in twists (you can really see my curl pattern)
Anyway hasta pasta, naturalistas!!  Until next time

Back to basis

So after obsessing and fighting with my hair, I decided to take it back to basics and twist it up and leave it alone.  I've been feeling in a frustrated rut.  The last time I remember feeling this way was during my awkward twa stage where I was hating the limited styling options, the texture, and the length of my hair and feeling plain ugly.  Well that's exactly how I was feeling over the past week.  Check, Check, and check...all of the above especially the ugly part. 
Anyway I've stopped obsessing.  I may be in a slow growth phase so I figured I'm always safest with protective styling and a few accessories won't hurt either.  We'll see home goes from here.  Below is my style for the day and for the first time in over a week, I feel somewhat together and decent looking.  Too bad I have no place to go :-\

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A cure for the doldrums

I've been bored and frustrated with my hair.  I like to call it the summer blues because it seems in the summer my hair just don't be wantin to act right.  Don't really know how else to put it.  I started fantasizing about that pixie cut I've always wanted .... and bangs! Two hairstyle that would require me go crawling back to the creamy crack.  It was just a fantasy anyway and if I had even begun to consider it seriously, there is always my boyfriend to remind me why I went natural in the first place and all the reasons I'd regret it.  So I resorted instead to hair color...and I'm too chicken to seriously commit to even that! So I bought one of those cans you just spray on color that washes out.  I was actually giddy with excitement.  I did a couple of streaks and felt quite satisfied with myself.  I cured my boredom and feeling better.... for the moment.
See the results below.